The Kettering Piano Quartet is returning to Swansea with a slightly changed line-up. Monica Naselow took up the position of Concertmaster with the Darwin Symphony Orchestra and the commute to Tasmania would have been difficult. Luckily for us, Emma McGrath moved from Seattle to be the new Concertmaster for the TSO and has stepped into KPQ. She is also a founding member of the new\ an Diemen’s Band, along with Will Newbery. Some of us were fortunate to hear them at the “Tin Shed Baroque” concert at Triabunna in March. A fabulous concert despite the complaints from sleepy possums!
This Sunday, KPQ will be performing Saint-Saens and Faure, two masters of the French Romantic. Finally published in 1992 and rarely heard since, Saint-Saens’ Piano Quartet in E major is a tribute to the masters he venerated during his studies. With references in particular to Schubert, Beethoven and Haydn this three movement work is truly a rediscovered treasure. Faure published relatively little music and his ouvre is a beacon of quality over quantity. His first piano quartet is a triumph of structural discipline balanced with unfettered expression. A true master work of the chamber music genre.
The Recital will be at 2:30 this Sunday, 4 June at Kennedia, 13 Kennedia Place, Swansea. Tickets are $30 ($25 concession and eccai members.) For enquiries or to reserve seats, call 6257 8755.